Nigeria Tam Tam: Arise O Compatriots

Arise O Compatriots

  nigeriancoatofarmsNIGERIA, the land of our fathers. In these trying times, one cannot but wonder if Nigeria is also the land of our youths or was Nigeria meant for our fathers alone? Today, four out of five young Nigerians hope to travel abroad. Are the Americas such heavenly places or is the United Kingdom such a wonderful place? Maybe not, but to a large extent things work in those countries. In such countries, basic amenities such as light and water are taken for granted, as well they should be. Let us look a little closer. Let us take our tiny neighbor Ghana for instance. The idea of going over to Ghana in search of greener pastures is becoming an increasingly attractive proposition for many Nigerians. With the current influx of Nigerians into Ghana, is it any wonder that the Ghanaians seem to be proclaiming “Nigeria must go” as we once did in a similar manner years ago.

The Ghanaians are not the only ones who seem just a bit disenchanted with their Nigerian visitors. Nigerians, and indeed Africans all over the world, complain about racism and prejudice. For instance, a Nigerian in the United Kingdom for has to prove day in day out that his black skin makes him no less human, that the darkness of his skin does not him make him a primal Neanderthal. I choose not to blame the Americans, the English, the Spanish etc for their not overly pleasant feelings towards Nigerian Immigrants. I say this not because I support racism, but because I believe that to a large extent the fault is ours. Read more...